[Tex/LaTex] Cover page lay-out


I'd like to make the cover page as seen in the image below and be able to put it in a .tex-file.
This cover page itself is made within LaTeX, but it's not compatible with XeTeX, and it uses at least 3 different files with definitions etc.

I'd thus like to know if it's possible to make a fresh, new .tex-file, perhaps named "Titlepage", making me able to just put in the main .tex-file \include{cover} without all the other unnecessary fuss.

Could someone help me on this rather 'big' question?
I haven't got any clue on how to do this. Suppose that the banner image is called image.jpg.

Thank you very much indeed in advance.

enter image description here

Best Answer







\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw ([yshift=-1.8in]current page.north) node[inner sep=0] (a) {\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{kleurlabel}};
\node[anchor=east,xshift=-8mm] (example-tabular) at (a.east)   {
\LARGE\color{white}\bfseries Faculteit Geneeskunde en \\
\LARGE\color{white}\bfseries Gezondheidswetenschappen \\


\Huge\color{blueXIIdark} Here comes the title of the dissertation


& \textbf{\Large Author Name}\vspace{0.8cm}\\
  Promotor: & Profefschrift ingediend ter verkrijgen \\
Prof. dr. ir. B. Leader & van de graad van Master of Science\\
& in de geneeskunde\\[2cm]
& Academiejaar 2014--2015
