[Tex/LaTex] Counting pages of sections


After building a second page counter that is reset for every section, I wonder how to get the number of pages of a section. Every section starts on a new page.

How can I calculate the number of pages that every section takes and put that in the header like "Sectionpage 1 of 2"?

This is my code so far:



% new counter for pages of section

\patchcmd\@outputpage{\stepcounter{page}}{\stepcounter{page}\stepcounter{sectionpagecounter}}{}{} % inc for every page
\patchcmd\@xsect{\ignorespaces}{\resetsectionpagecount\ignorespaces}{}{} % reset on new section

% header stuff
\ohead{Sectionpage \arabic{sectionpagecounter}}

\section{My Section A}
\section{My Section B}
\section{My Section C}

Best Answer

Nice problem. Here's one first solution that admits improvements (see the notes below the code):


% new counter for pages of section

\patchcmd\@outputpage{\stepcounter{page}}{\stepcounter{page}\stepcounter{sectionpagecounter}}{}{} % inc for every page
\patchcmd{\@xsect}{\ignorespaces}{\resetsectionpagecount\ignorespaces}{}{} % reset on new section

\ohead{Sectionpage \arabic{sectionpagecounter} of \number\value{section\romannumeral\value{section}}}

% We create 100 new counters: sectioni, sectionii,...,sectionic, sectionc

% command to label each section using its counter
% the main command: gets the number of pages by subtracting the number of pages
% between two consecutive labels (i.e., between two \section commands)

% We need a last label at the end of the document


\section{Test Section One}

\section{Test Section Two}

\section{Test Section Three}

\section{Test Section Four}


The idea is to place some \labels at each \section command and use this labels to calculate the number of pages; this number is stored in a separate counter (in its present form, the code allows for 100 sections). There are still some things that can be improved and I will try to do so over the next days:

  • Each time a \section is issued, one has to add \SectionLab immediately after the \section` command (this can be easily automated).

  • The current method used in the code posted in the question to reset the counter for pages is not optimal, since it hooks into \@xsect without enough care, and lower sectioning commands \subsection, for example) will also reset the counter.

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