[Tex/LaTex] Correct order of enlarge, color and bold


What is the right way to have a text enlarged, colored and bold? Non of the following works;


% I just write the likely relevant packages.
\mdfdefinestyle{algos}{backgroundcolor=mygrey, linewidth = 1.95pt, frametitlerule=false, frametitlebackgroundcolor=myblue, %

% All colors, perhaps is not the case to be written.
\definecolor{airforceblue}{rgb}{0.36, 0.54, 0.66}


\large{\color{airforceblue} {\textbf{$N_L(k)$}}}
{\color{airforceblue} \textbf{\large $N_L(k)$}}
{\color{airforceblue} \large{\textbf{$N_L(k)$}}}


Best Answer

Don't use \textbf for math-mode material. Use \mathbf instead; better yet, load the bm package and the \bm ("bold math") macro.

enter image description here

$N_{abc}$ vs.\ {\Large\color{blue}$\bm{N_{abc}}$}

I don't know how the color "airforceblue" is defined. That's why I used "blue" in the example above. I use \Large instead of \large to make the effect of changing the font size more visually prominent.