[Tex/LaTex] convex concave sign in tkz-tab


I'm a newby with both tkz-tab and tikz. I'd like to use tkz-tab to present the analysis of a function.

Is there a way to draw symbols for convex and concave that span over the whole diagram's cell, in the way the arrow are drawn ?

Up to now I've tried to use cup and cap symbols, but the result is not suitable. I would like to have something like a portion of a parabola.

Here is a mwe :

    $x$         /1,
    $\sin(x)$   /1
    $-\pi$, $0$ , $\pi$ 
\tkzTabLine{  , {\Huge \smile} , t , \frown , }

Best Answer

One simple possibility, using \draw and some of the predefined nodes:



    $x$         /1,
    $\sin(x)$   /1
    $-\pi$, $0$ , $\pi$ 
\tkzTabLine{  , , t , , }
\draw[cyan,shorten >= 7pt,shorten <= 7pt] 
  ( $(T11)!0.2!(T12)$ ) to[out=-50,in=230,looseness=1.4] ( $(N21)!0.2!(N22)$ );
\draw[cyan,yscale=-1,shorten >= 7pt,shorten <= 7pt] 
  ( $(N22)!0.1!(N21)$ ) to[out=-50,in=230,looseness=1.4] ( $(T22)!0.1!(T21)$ );


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