[Tex/LaTex] Convert the CV to LaTeX: how to stretch text blocks vertically to fill page and color the headings

colorspacingvertical alignment

I am trying to convert my CV below to latex. Currently I have manually created it in Inkscape. I have already managed to get the headings and footers right:




\setmainfont{Ubuntu Light}
\newfontface\headerfnt{Sansation Bold}

\newcommand\contactinfo{\fontsize{8pt}{8}\selectfont\headerfnt My address \\ postal code and city \\ telephonenr }

\newcommand\footertext{\fontsize{10pt}{15}\selectfont\footerfnt e: email@address /// w: www.ebsi.te /// skype: skyphandle /// twitter: @twitterhandle}






But I'm struggling howto do the content. A typical cv-entry looks like this:

@ company/organisation
period of time
description of the job

What I want to achieve is that:
1) It all stays on 1 page
2) Space between textblocks are evenly distributed in each column from top to bottom of page
3) textblocks fill each columns vertically
4) I can control the color of each heading
5) If possible make use of a CV package that can be modified to look like this

My CV made with Inkscape and pixelated

Best Answer

I suggest you to use moderncv or friends for this job. However, this should help you to get started (though it will not answer your all questions). Fitting everything in one page should be done manually.


My name \\
My address\\
My home\\
My city
My name \\
My address\\
My home\\
My city
  \item[\Large\bfseries\color{red}{\#}] {{\Large\color{red}{\bfseries About me}} \\ \lipsum[1]}
  \item[\Large\bfseries\color{blue}{\#}] {{\Large\color{blue}{\bfseries Work experience}} \\ \lipsum[2]}
  \item[\Large\bfseries\color{green}{\#}] {{\Large\color{green}{\bfseries Other experience}} \\ \lipsum[3]}
  \item[\Large\bfseries\color{magenta}{\#}] {{\Large\color{magenta}{\bfseries Education}} \\ \lipsum[4]}
  \item[\Large\bfseries\color{yellow}{\#}] {{\Large\color{yellow}{\bfseries Skills}} \\ In sleeping and eating and resting}
  \item[\Large\bfseries\color{green!30!blue}{\#}] {{\Large\color{green!30!blue}{\bfseries Honors \& Awards}} \\ 
      Suspendisse vel felis. Ut lorem lorem, in-
        terdum eu, tincidunt sit amet, laoreet vi-
        tae, arcu. Aenean faucibus pede eu ante.
        Praesent enim elit, rutrum at, molestie
        non, nonummy vel, nisl. Ut lectus eros,
        malesuada sit amet, fermentum eu, so-
        dales cursus, magna.}
  \item[\Large\bfseries\color{red!40!green}{\#}] {{\Large\color{red!40!green}{\bfseries Interests}} \\ Eating and sleeping}
My name \hfill My street \hfill My city\\
My phone \hfill My fax \hfill My mail

enter image description here