[Tex/LaTex] Continuous numbering of sentences and/or tables


Right now, I'm numbering example sentences using the enumitempackage and \setlist[enumerate]{label={(\arabic*)},resume}. Some are just simple, one line sentences like in this example taken from a scientific paper:

enter image description here

So I simply used

\item a. Example Sentence One \\ b. Example Sentence Two

But for some, they have translations underneath, and I'd like to have them aligned, so I supposed the right way to do it was with tables. I'm not sure if that's the best idea. Here is a code I'm using now:

\begin{tabular}{l l l}

(4) & a. & \specialcell[t]{Anna \textbf{kauft} heute ein Kleid. \\ 
\textit{Anna buys today a dress}} \\

& b. & \specialcell[t]{Anna will heute ein Kleid \textbf{kaufen}. \\
\textit{Anna wants today a dress buy}} \\


I would like it to look like this:

enter image description here

My question is, what's the right code to have it look this way, and still have a continuous numbering, like I managed to do with the simple sentences?
Should I even use tables, because I will have 'real' tables in my document, with a numbering of their own, so maybe I should not mix them up?
Maybe I should be using a different code altogether?

Best Answer

Using gb4e

\gll  Anna kauft heute ein Kleid\\
     Anna buys today a dress\\
\trans `Anna buys a dress today'
Anna kauft heute ein Kleid
\trans `Anna buys a dress today'
\gll  Anna kauft heute ein Kleid\\
     Anna buys today a dress\\
\ex Anna buys a dress today

enter image description here

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