[Tex/LaTex] Contents of title field “all lowercase” for BibTeX entry


Online resources like this:

  author = {Google},
  year = {2012},
  month = "April",
  title = {Google App Engine Datastore Java API},
  url = "https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/datastore/",
  note = "[Accessed: June 2012]"

have an "all lowercase" title in my bibliography. Non-@MISC resources display just fine.

Example: (the above is displayed as follows)

Google (2012), `Google app engine datastore java api'. [Accessed: June 2012].
URL: https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/datastore/

I am using:


and quoting without citation:


Any ideas as to why?

Also, could I have the [Accessed: Month Year] block appear after the nicely formatted URL?

Best Answer

You pose two questions. First, to keep the words in the title field -- other than the first one, viz., "Google" -- from becoming set in all-lowercase, encase the publication's title in a second pair of curly braces. I.e., set up the field as

title = {{Google App Engine Datastore Java API}},

The second question is about how to change the ordering of the output of the fields url and note, given that you're using the agsm bibliography style. The problem with this request is that the ordering of fields of various entry types (article, book, techreport, ...) is currently consistent across all of these entry types in the agsm style. It might look downright weird to your readers if the ordering were changed for some entry types only. I would therefore advise against fiddling with the ordering of the fields in the function misc of the file agsm.bst. If you do decide to edit that file, be sure to save it under a new name (say, myagsm.bst) rather than overwriting the existing file.