[Tex/LaTex] Configure kile and biblatex


How do people configure kile to work with biblatex? I have two bibliographies



and to get this to compile I need to run at least

pdflatex file

bibtex file1-blx

bibtex file2-blx

pdflatex file

Can this be made automatic in kile?

(I am on ubuntu.)

EDIT: Herbert gives a method using biber which works. However it is a pain to get the latest biber and biblatex in ubuntu as I mention in the comments. However, his method also suggests that a similar custom build option for kile could be made to work for biblatex+bibtex too which would enable you to keep the ubuntu version of texlive.

Best Answer

  • Go to Settings->Configure Kile
  • Choose on the left Build
  • Choose New and insert the name biber
  • Now click on this new item and insert on the right into the field for the command /usr/local/texlive/2010/bin/x86_64-linux/biber (this example shows my path)
  • Into the parameter field insert "%S"
  • Now enable the Quick Build item on the left and add biber in the field on the right.

Close the windows and everything should work. At the first time when running biber it takes a lot of time because it has to unpack all included files into a temporary directory. In your document do not forget to set


With the latest version of biblatex it should be the default.

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