[Tex/LaTex] Conditions in algorithms are underlined


I'm using algorithm2e for typesetting pseudocode. Generally I find it easy to use, however, I cannot seem to find the setting that underlines the conditions in my while and for loops and if-statements.

\KwData{New relation $m_i(r_{new})m_j$}
\KwResult{An updated network where consequences of the new relation is inferred.}
Add $(i,j)$ to Q\;
\While{Q is not empty} {

  (i, j) $\leftarrow$ Q.dequeue\;

  \For{k $\leftarrow$ 0 $\KwTo$ n} {
    $m_k(r_{new})m_j$ $\leftarrow$ $m_k(r)m_j \cup (m_k(r)m_i \circ m_i(r_{new})m_j)$\;
    \If {$m_k(r_{new})m_j \subset m_k(r)m_j$} {

  \For{k $\leftarrow$ 0 $\KwTo$ n} {
    $m_i(r_{new})m_k$ $\leftarrow$ $m_i(r)m_k \cup (m_i(r_{new})m_j \circ m_j(r)m_k)$\;
    \If {$m_i(r_{new})m_k \subset m_i(r)m_k$} {
\caption{Allen's Path Consistency}

Which produces this result:

enter image description here

Basically, I want to disable the underlining of the conditions. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Actually, you don't have to remove the ulem package, since it could be useful somewhere else. Use the \normalem and \ULforem commands provided by the ulem package.

The conditions of algorithm2e package are emphasized, and ulem package by default replaces italics with underlining for all emphasized text, that's why underlines appear automatically when using algorithm2e and ulem package together.

But fortunately ulem package provides a \normalem command/option to disable this default feature, and provides a \ULforem command/option to enable it. So here is my solution:

\normalem %%%% disable auto underline

    algorithms goes here ...

\ULforem %%%% enable auto underline


ulem manual http://texdoc.net/texmf-dist/doc/generic/ulem/ulem.pdf

and this similar example: Getting \emph back to normal after loading ulem