[Tex/LaTex] conditional content


I'm writing a document in LaTeX that I want to compile in two different versions, V1 and V2 (with two different formatting specifications). Sometimes I need to insert a bit of content into V1 that isn't in V2, and vice versa. To specify which version is being compiled, I have a variable called cond, which I set to True to flag the V1 formatting, and False to flag the V2 formatting. Then, the following commands are specified:

% Display the argument if \cond is True

% Display the argument if \cond is False

Thus, to insert content into V1 that isn't in V2, I simply insert it into the command \IfCondTrue{...}.

This works exactly as desired except for one issue; when the content that I'm inserting is paragraph text, eg. This is fake \IfCondTrue{text}.. If cond is set to False, then the word text won't display, as desired. Unfortunately, it will be replaced with an empty space. For example, suppose in V1 I want to have This is fake text. and in V2 I want to have This is fake hooplah., then ideally I could write: This is fake \IfCondTrue{text}\IfCondFalse{hooplah}.. Then, when V1 compiles, what I'll see is This is fake text . (with a space between text and ..

How can I modify the above commands so that they won't display an empty space when their content is not displayed?


Best Answer

You could \unskip and/or \ignorespaces as part of your condition. However, version control is easier when you combine the possible outputs in a single macro:

enter image description here

% Display the argument if \cond is True/False

% Display the argument if \cond is False
  \ifnum\pdfstrcmp{\cond}{True}=0 \unskip\else #1\fi\ignorespaces}
\def\cond{True}% Version control
This is fake \IfCond{text}{hooplah}. \par
This is fake \IfCond{}{hooplah}.

\def\cond{False}% Version control
This is fake \IfCond{text}{hooplah}. \par
This is fake \IfCond{text}{}.

String comparison is done using pdfTeX's \pdfstrcmp.

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