[Tex/LaTex] Compute and draw a convex hull


How can I use TikZ (+ LuaTeX), PSTricks, MetaPost, Asymptote, etc. to draw the convex hull of a set of points specified in no particular order?

Here's an example where the convex hull was computed by hand:

  % doesn't work:
  %\draw[mark=*] convex hull[points={(0,0),(1,1),(2,2),(0,1),(2,0)}];

  %should produce something similar to the following:
  \draw (0,0) -- (0,1) -- (2,2) -- (2,0) -- cycle;
  \foreach \point in {(0,0),(1,1),(2,2),(0,1),(2,0)} {
    \fill[black] \point circle[radius=1pt];


Best Answer

Robert Sedgewick's Algorithms in C has a whole chapter on convex hulls; here is the algorithm that he calls "package wrapping" implemented in Metapost.

prologues := 3;
outputtemplate := "%j%c.eps";

% following Sedgwick, "Algorithms in C", p.364 
% make the first M points the hull of the first N points
vardef wrap(expr N) = 
   save    theta, eta, tx, ty, M, m, a; 
   numeric theta, eta, tx, ty, M, m, a; 
   % find the point with the minimum y-coordinate
   m = 1;
   for i=2 upto N:
      if y[i] < y[m]: m:=i; fi
   x[N+1] = x[m];
   y[N+1] = y[m];
   % work round the points finding the least turning angle
   % and swapping the hull points to the front of the list of points
   theta := 0;
   M = 1;
     tx := x[M]; x[M] := x[m]; x[m] := tx;
     ty := y[M]; y[M] := y[m]; y[m] := ty;
     m := N+1;
     eta := theta; 
     theta := 360;
     for i=M+1 upto N+1:
        a := if z[i]=z[M]: 0 else: angle (z[i]-z[M]) mod 360 fi;
        if eta < a: if a < theta: 
           m := i;
           theta := a;
        fi fi
     exitif (m=N+1);
     M := M+1;
     exitif (M>N);
   % return the number of points in the hull
   % z1, z2, .. z[M] are now the hull


N = 42; 
for i=1 upto N:
  z[i] = (80 normaldeviate, 80 normaldeviate);
  dotlabel.top(decimal i, z[i]);

m = wrap(N);
draw for i=1 upto m: z[i] -- endfor cycle withcolor .67 red;

for i=1 upto N:
  label.bot(decimal i, z[i]) withcolor blue;


In the original you pass an array of points to the wrap function, but passing arrays is a bit cumbersome in MP, so I've just used the normal global arrays x[] and y[] for the points. Note that the algorithm is destructive, in that it rearranges the order of the points so that the points on the hull are at the beginning of the array. I've tried to make this obvious by including before and after labels in the output.

enter image description here

This implementation has running time proportional to N^2 in the worst case, but is reasonably quick on my machine with up to 1200 points. You could speed it up with the interior elimination techniques that Sedgewick discusses in the chapter already mentioned.