[Tex/LaTex] Commutative Diagram with Elements


I want to make a diagram that looks like the following:

enter image description here

Best Answer

There is a not so complicated answer using the packages graphicx and xypic. Before explaining I will straight away give my solution. It is the following:


    cRing \ar[r] & Sch \\
    A \ar@{}[u]|{\rotatebox{90}{$\in$}} \ar@{|->}[r] 
            & Spec(A) \ar@{}[u]|{\rotatebox{90}{$\in$}}

NOTE that diagram should of course be enclosed in \begin{document} and \end{document}. Of course it is not important that align* is used, any display-style math envisonment will do. The package amsmath is also just included to make align* available, since it is my favorite.

Now for the explanation. I will assume that you already know a little about the xypic. This package is really easy to use on a basic level. Here it has been used in a little more advanced way. The option @R=10pt between \xymatrix and the following { is an option the specifies the 'row spacing', and in this case we want it to be small so that the picture does not look silly. The top arrow is a standart arrow in xypic drawn with \ar[r] but the lower arrow has the extra symbols @{|->} which just specifies that we want this arrow to have that special look. In genneral it you want to rotate a symbol in LaTeX the graphicx package includes the command \rotatebox which allows for rotating element, e.g. the symbol \in. These symbols are placed like arrows with the command


Now \rotatebox{90}{$\in$} is jost a 90 degrees rotation of the symbol \in. The symbols @{} specifies that we want an 'empty' arrow, i.e. an arrow with no lines, and the symbols |{\rotatebox{90}{$\in$}} specify that we want \rotatebox{90}{$\in$} places as a lable on top of the given arrow.

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