[Tex/LaTex] Common style for global TOC, LOF, LOT and titletoc partial TOCs (with hyperref & caption)

captionshyperreftable of contentstitletoc

I am currently writing my PhD thesis, and I have trouble defining a common style for my global TOC and the partial TOCs generated by titletoc.

Basically if you check the following MWE, I like the general style of the global TOC, in particular the fact that hyperref links include the labels. However, I find that the dotted lines in the global TOC are not dense enough, and prefer those of the partial TOCs.




\newcommand{\PartialToc}{\vspace*{0.5pc}\vbox{\bf\large\noindent Chapter contents}\vspace*{0.3pc}\startcontents[chapters]\vspace*{0.3pc}\printcontents[chapters]{p}{1}{}\vspace*{0.3pc}}


% Custom style for partial TOCs


\chapter{Chapter 1}


\section{Section 1}

    \caption{Figure 1}

\section{Section 2}
\subsection{Subsection 2.1}
\subsection{Subsection 2.1}
\section{Section 3}

    \caption{Table 1}


Therefore, I tried to increase the density of the dotted lines in the global TOC, by adding the following titletoc style declarations after \begin{document}:


However, in this case, the hyperref links are changed, which I would like to avoid (no I am not a maniac…). Is there a way to achieve this ? And can this also be used to make the hyperref links in the partial TOCs include the labels ?

And as a subsidiary question, how do I assign the same style to entries in the List of Figures and List of Tables ?

Thank you for your help

Best Answer

The titlesec/titletoc packages are somewhat incompatible with hyperref, and you happened to run into such a situation.

To get the links on the labels in the ToCs back, we have to teach that to titletoc with:

  [3.8em]% left
  {}% above code
  {\contentslabel[\hyperlink{section.\thecontentslabel}{\thecontentslabel}]{2.3em}}% numbered entry format
  {\hspace*{-2.3em}}% unnumbered entry format
  {\titlerule*[0.25pc]{.}\contentspage}% filler page format
  {}% below code


% Custom style for partial TOCs


That is, the format of the contentslabel is changed from being simply \thecontentslabel to a proper hyperlink.

To obtain the narrow dots line in the LoT and LoF I would use package tocloft. This package can also handle the ToC, so you may find that titletoc is superfluous. Just use
