[Tex/LaTex] Commands argmin and argmax in algorithm


I am trying to use the argmin and the argmax commands that I defined in an algorithm but I keep getting the argument not in the middle but on the right. Does anyone have an idea how to put the argument in the middle.

I declare the operators:


and I use the following packages to write algorithms:


Full algorithm code:

\STATE some statement here
    \STATE $s_{i} = \argmin_{p} \| l_{j} - s_{p} \|$

Best Answer

$ introduces text style, you will need either \displaystyle or \limits.
(\sum, \int, \lim, … behave in the same manner: Display-style formulas have their super- and subscripts above and below the sign, in text-style formulas they are typeset like normal super- and subscripts.)

If you find both solutions unsatisfying you can define an additional command that has \limitsbuilt in:


or with your original macro names having that feature:


But than you could just make it without \DeclareMathOperator*:


I have also declared your operators with out the predefined operators \arg and \max as operators are usually in upright font anyway, and then there's no need to re-adjust the space manually (the \!).

Code A (\limits)

\STATE some statement here
    \STATE $s_{i} = \argmin\limits_{p} \| l_{j} - s_{p} \|$

Code B (\displaystyle)

\STATE some statement here
    \STATE $\displaystyle s_{i} = \argmin_{p} \| l_{j} - s_{p} \|$

Code C (built in \limits)

\STATE some statement here
    \STATE $ s_{i} = \argminl_{p} \| l_{j} - s_{p} \|$


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