[Tex/LaTex] Combining style numeric with style authoryear in BibLaTeX


I haven't had a lot of experience with biblatex so far and I decided to use the numeric style for citations in the text. However, the authoryear style for the bibliography is much nicer. I know, I can't actually combine numeric citestyle with authoryear bibstyle.

That brings me to my question: How can I achieve using the numeric citestyle and the formatting of authoryear in the bibliography?

Best Answer

You can go down the route from biblatex-biber: How to customize the order in the bibliography?.

Call citestyle=numeric (or the member of the numeric family you currently use) and bibstyle=authoryear, then import numeric.bbx to get the proper bibliography environment again.

(The sorting will by default be sorting=nyt, if you want sorting=none you will need to order that explicitly.)





example output

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