Combining Line Chart Data with Bar Plot in TikZ

bar chartchartspgfplotstikz-pgf


I recently got a paper published and was told that I need to convert the word file I submitted to latex for camera ready purposes. Problem is, I don't know LaTeX but I have always wanted to learn it. All is fine and straight forward except for chart creation.


I created a couple of charts in excel and have successfully converted them to LaTeX except for one. It is a line chart over a bar plot. Like the image attached:

column line chart

Work to date

I have created the following bar plot with pgfplots but I don't know how to add the line chart data in. It should also be noted, this is not a trend line I am looking to achieve.

    legend style={at={(0.5,-0.15)},
      anchor=north,legend columns=-1},
    bar width=7mm, y=4mm,
    symbolic x coords={Firm 1, Firm 2, Firm 3, Firm 4, Firm 5},
    x tick label style={rotate=45,anchor=east},
    nodes near coords,
    nodes near coords align={vertical},
\addplot[fill=black!10] coordinates {(Firm 1,3) (Firm 2,7) (Firm 3,8) (Firm 4,13) (Firm 5,16)};

Concise Question

How do I add the line graph data into the bar plot?

Best Answer

You mean something like this: enter image description here

Above picture is obtained by:


    legend style={at={(0.5,-0.15)},
      anchor=north,legend columns=-1},
    bar width=7mm, y=4mm,
    symbolic x coords={Firm 1, Firm 2, Firm 3, Firm 4, Firm 5},
    x tick label style={rotate=45,anchor=east},
    nodes near coords align={vertical},
\addplot[ybar, nodes near coords, fill=black!10] 
    coordinates {(Firm 1,3) (Firm 2,7) (Firm 3,8) (Firm 4,13) (Firm 5,16)};
\addplot[draw=blue,ultra thick,smooth] 
    coordinates {(Firm 1,3) (Firm 2,7) (Firm 3,8) (Firm 4,13) (Firm 5,16)};

From above MWE follows, that I for line add another \addplot and move definitions of plot types to the addplot.

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