[Tex/LaTex] Combination of \verb and \texttt


Also I read: When should one use \verb and when \texttt

My issue at hand is that I would like to write a little more than just "small pieces" (wording in linked question) of program code, but without having to escape all the special characters. On the other hand, \verb does not have {}-style delimiters, besides being said to have issues with moving arguments.

Is there something I can do such that (sample text follows)

"As a user, do \texttt{if (!(last\_cond \&\& (last\_flags \& (O\_CREATE | O\_EXCL))))}, but as root, do \texttt{if (!(last\_cond \&\& (last\_flags \& (O\_RDONLY))))} until…"

can be written as

"As a user, do \texttt{if (!(last_cond && (last_flags & (O_CREATE | O_EXCL))))}, but as root, do \texttt{if (!(last_cond && (last_flags & (O_RDONLY))))} until…"

Defining a new command as in \verbdef and having to write "As a user, do \verbdef\demo1{\texttt{if (!(last_cond && (last_flags & (O_CREATE | O_EXCL))))}}\demo1, but as root, do \verbdef\demo2{\texttt{if (!(last_cond && (last_flags & (O_RDONLY))))}}\demo2 until…" does read strangely (in the tex source file).

Best Answer

\lstinline{if (!(last_cond && (last_flags & (O_CREATE | O_EXCL))))}