[Tex/LaTex] Column width and row height with pgfplotstable


I'm looking for a way to change row height or width with pgfplotstables.
Even in the pgfplotstables manual I cant find anything about this matter.

I found a topic about this here but the only answer was using \resizebox. I dont like this since it changes proportions of the font used with the cells.

I'm looking for a solution because every lines is very close one to another, therefore the table becomes not easly readable.

Best Answer

Since there is no answer to this topic, I'll answer with what I came up with.

For the row height : The solution of @JohnKormylo works perfectly for what I need : \def\arraystretch{size}, "size" being the integer parameter.

For the column width : I use the same solution I used for the basics tabular and it works great :

\newcolumntype{R}[1]{>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash }b{#1}}
\newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash }b{#1}}
\newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash }b{#1}}
columns/myColumnName/.style={column type=|C{1.4cm}|},

Hope it will help some beginners like me.

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