[Tex/LaTex] Coloured shadowed boxes around equations


When I want to highlight some important result, I traditionnally put my equations in boxes:

boxed{\Delta = b^2-4ac}

I would like to have a more fancy thing:

  • to be able to set the thickness and the color of the line of the box
  • to be able to add a coloured shadow under this box

to obtain this kind of result:

enter image description here

I asked the same kind of question a while ago (see here) but the answer does not work for equations.

How to do that?

Best Answer

Here are some additions using tcolorbox. You can use a macro \tcbhighmath which is designed for such a task. The style can be varied also by options given to this macro.

\tcbset{highlight math style={enhanced,
\tcbhighmath[drop fuzzy shadow]{\Delta = b^2 - 4ac}

\tcbhighmath[boxrule=2pt,drop fuzzy shadow=blue]{E = m\cdot c^2}

\tcbhighmath[boxrule=0.4pt,colframe=blue,drop fuzzy shadow=red]{a^2 + b^2} =
\tcbhighmath[arc=4pt,drop fuzzy shadow=green]{c^2}

  drop fuzzy shadow=red]{ \ln|x| = \int\limits_1^x t~dt }

\tcbhighmath[fuzzy halo=1mm with blue!50!white,arc=2pt,
  boxrule=0pt,frame hidden]{ \ln|x| = \int\limits_1^x t~dt }

\tcbset{myinner/.style={no shadow,shrink tight,extrude by=1mm,colframe=blue,
  boxrule=0.4pt,frame style={opacity=0.25},interior style={opacity=0.5}}}
\tcbhighmath[drop fuzzy shadow=red!50!yellow,colback=red!20!white]{
  \tcbhighmath[myinner]{\Delta} =
  \tcbhighmath[myinner]{b^2 - 4ac}}


enter image description here