[Tex/LaTex] Colored Confusion Matrix omitting zero values


I am trying to create a colored confusion matrix using macro for color gradients. Like the following one:

enter image description here

The final confusion matrix will be bigger, so I want to remove the zero values to improve the readability of the table. I cannot simply omit the zero from the cell, because of the macro that calculates the color gradient. Is there a way to omit the zeros maintaining the macro?
Here the code I am using:




 %The min, mid and max values
\newcommand*{\MidNumber}{0.2} %

%Apply the gradient macro
        \ifdim #1 pt > \MidNumber pt
            \pgfmathsetmacro{\PercentColor}{max(min(100.0*(#1 - \MidNumber)/(\MaxNumber-\MidNumber),100.0),0.00)} %
            \pgfmathsetmacro{\PercentColor}{max(min(100.0*(\MidNumber - #1)/(\MidNumber-\MinNumber),100.0),0.00)} %
\setlength{\fboxsep}{3mm} % box size

%% for rotation in table

\newcommand*\rotz{\multicolumn{1}{R{0}{-1em}}}% no optional argument here, please! 


 \caption{The confusion matrix}
    \resizebox{1\textwidth}{!}{ % to nicely resize the table in the text width

  \rotz{} & 
  \rotz{A} & 
  \rotz{B} & 
  \rotz{C} &
  \rotz{D} & 
  \rotz{E} \smallskip \\ 
   A        & 0.54  & 0     & 0.08  & 0.17  & 0     \\ 

   B        & 0     & 0.96  & 0     & 0     & 0     \\ 

   C        & 0.04  & 0.04  & 0.38  & 0.13  & 0     \\ 

   D        & 0.08  & 0     & 0.04  & 0.75  & 0     \\ 

   E        & 0     & 0.04  & 0     & 0     & 0.96  \\ 



Thanks in advance!

Best Answer


%The min, mid and max values
\newcommand*{\MidNumber}{0.2} %
  \ifx\relax#2\relax     % #2 is empty -> no decimal
  \else                  % #2 not empty -> decimal
    \ifnum#1=0           % we have 0.
    \else                % we have no 0.xx

%Apply the gradient macro
    \ifdim #1 pt > \MidNumber pt
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\PercentColor}{max(min(100.0*(#1 - 
    \MidNumber)/(\MaxNumber-\MidNumber),100.0),0.00)} %
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\PercentColor}{max(min(100.0*(\MidNumber - 
    #1)/(\MidNumber-\MinNumber),100.0),0.00)} %
\setlength{\fboxsep}{3mm} % box size

%% for rotation in table

\newcommand*\rotz{\multicolumn{1}{R{0}{-1em}}}% no optional argument here, please! 


        \caption{The confusion matrix}
        \resizebox{1\textwidth}{!}{ % to nicely resize the table in the text width

                \rotz{} & 
                \rotz{A} & 
                \rotz{B} & 
                \rotz{C} &
                \rotz{D} & 
                \rotz{E} \smallskip \\ 
                A        & 0.54  & 0     & 0.08  & 0.17  & 0     \\ 

                B        & 0     & 0.96  & 0     & 0     & 0     \\ 

                C        & 0.04  & 0.04  & 0.38  & 0.13  & 0     \\ 

                D        & 0.08  & 0     & 0.04  & 0.75  & 0     \\ 

                E        & 0     & 0.04  & 0     & 0     & 0.96  \\ 



enter image description here

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