[Tex/LaTex] Closing bracket and parenthesis in multline


Where is an issue in my MWE with brackets when I split equation into two lines?

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{book}


exp\left[\left(-\frac{j\alpha n_{\alpha}F}{RT}\right)
\left(E-E^{0}+\frac{RT}{\alpha n_{\alpha}F}ln
\frac{\surd\overline{\pi Db}}{k_{s}}- \right. \nonumber \\
&\left. {} -\frac{RT}{\alpha n_{\alpha}F}ln\frac{K}{1+K}\right]


The issue is that in the second line I get ] at the end but not ).

Best Answer

The simplest is to do a manual size adjustment for delimiters, with \biggl and \biggr.

I propose also another layout for the equation, which makes easier to read, in my opinion. However, you may have constraints I'm not aware of…

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{book}


  \exp\left[-\frac{j\alpha n_{\alpha}F}{RT}
    \biggl(E-E^{0}+{}\right. \\ + \frac{RT}{\alpha n_{\alpha}F}\ln
    \frac{\surd\overline{\pi Db}}{k_{s}}
  \left.\left. {} -\frac{RT}{\alpha n_{\alpha}F}\ln\frac{K}{1+K}\right)\right]

  \exp j\biggl(\frac{\alpha n_{\alpha}F}{RT}
  (E^{0}-E) & - \ln
  \frac{\sqrt{\pi Db}}{k_{s}}\\[-1ex]
  & + \ln\frac{K}{1+K}\biggr)
  \end{aligned} \]



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