[Tex/LaTex] cleveref & varioref : Missing \endcsname inserted


I read the excellent question Difference between ref, varioref and cleveref. Decision for a thesis and various doc on the net (the varioref package documentation) and tried to use it… but with many errors

An exemple :




        \hypersetup{pdfstartview={FitH}, bookmarksnumbered={true}}



\section{Bla bla}\label{sec:bla}

\section{Second bla bla}
Test section 1 : 
    \item with \verb"\ref" : \ref{sec:bla}
    \item with \verb"\vref" : \vref{sec:bla}
          = error "!Missing \verb"\endcsname" inserted" 
    \item with \verb"\cref" : \cref{sec:bla}
          = error "!Missing \verb"\endcsname" inserted"       

\section{Third bla bla}
Test section 1 : 
    \item with \verb"\ref" : \ref{sec:bla}
    \item with \verb"\vref" : \vref{sec:bla}
          = error "!Missing \verb"\endcsname" inserted" 
    \item with \verb"\cref" : \cref{sec:bla}
          = error "!Missing \verb"\endcsname" inserted"       

I get the error !Missing \endcsname inserted and more other after… (same error with vref as for cref.

How is it possible to resolve this ? I don't find an answer on this forum nor on the net.

I will use those packages (vref and cref) for my customized environnements, for exemple with such a macro-box :

\newtheorem{theoreme}{{\sffamily Théorème}}[section]

        {\sffamily ~\\#2}

I presume that if I can resolve the problem for a section, I also get the tip for all my macro-boxes (thm, definitions, algorithms, lemma, examples, …) ?

Best Answer

The problem is that varioref and cref don't like babel shorthands in the labels. Since the colon has a special meaning for French, you get that strange errors.


\usepackage{microtype} % loads also ifpdf



  \hypersetup{pdfstartview={FitH}, bookmarksnumbered={true}}


\section{Bla bla}\label{sec-bla}

\section{Second bla bla}
Test section 1 : 
    \item with \verb|\ref| : \ref{sec-bla}
    \item with \verb|\vref| : \vref{sec-bla}
    \item with \verb|\cref| : \cref{sec-bla}



Some notes. The packages ae and aeguill are really obsolete and don't have really good metric files.

Better use the Type1 fonts that are provided by the CM-Super package (it depends on what distribution you're using how you install them) or say

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