[Tex/LaTex] Class “amsproc”: how to add a dedication line between the article title, name and the abstract




\parskip .2in

\newtheorem{theorem}{\bf Theorem}%[section]
\newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{\bf Lemma}
\newtheorem{claim}{\bf Claim}
\newtheorem*{claim 4.1}{\bf Claim 4.1}
\newtheorem*{claim 4.2}{\bf Claim 4.2}
\newtheorem{corollary}[theorem]{\bf Corollary}
\newtheorem{pro}[theorem]{\bf Proposition}
\newtheorem{remark}[theorem]{\bf Remark}
\newtheorem{conjecture}[theorem]{\bf Conjecture}
\newtheorem{definition}[theorem]{\bf Definition}
\newtheorem{fact}[theorem]{\bf Fact}
\newtheorem{construction}[theorem]{\bf Construction}
\newtheorem{problem}[theorem]{\bf Problem}


\def\C{{\mathcal C}}
\def\D{{\mathcal D}}
\def\B{{\mathcal B}}
\def\F{{\mathcal F}}
\def\N{{\mathcal N}}
\def\L{{\mathcal L}}
\def\H{{\mathcal H}}



\def\deg{{\rm deg}}

\def\Pf{{\bf Proof. }}
\def\ie{{\em i.e.}}
\def\eg{{\em e.g.}}


\title{{\bf My Title   }}

\author[A.S]{Amanda Stone}
\address{My Address}
\email{my email}







The above is the code. The format of the article is like this. The first line is the article title, then the name of the article, and then the abstract. I was intended to add the dedication line between the name and the abstract, with a small font probably. Could anyone help me with this please? Your time and attention is greatly appreciated.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Maybe this. What I mainly did was move \maketitle before the abstract environment. In that way, I could insert the dedication prior to the abstract while letting it remain after the \maketitle. I set the dedication in its own group, centered, at a reduced font size.

EDITED to convert \bf and \em to modern LaTeX equivalents.



\parskip .2in

\newtheorem*{claim 4.1}{\textbf{Claim 4.1}}
\newtheorem*{claim 4.2}{\textbf{Claim 4.2}}


\def\C{{\mathcal C}}
\def\D{{\mathcal D}}
\def\B{{\mathcal B}}
\def\F{{\mathcal F}}
\def\N{{\mathcal N}}
\def\L{{\mathcal L}}
\def\H{{\mathcal H}}



\def\deg{{\rm deg}}



\title{\textbf{My Title}}

\author[A.S]{Amanda Stone}
\address{My Address}
\email{my email}




{\centering\footnotesize This is my dedication.\par}




enter image description here