[Tex/LaTex] Citing a patent with biblatex ieee style


I want to cite a patent with


and this in my bib file:

  author      = {Claus-Peter Schnorr},
  title       = {Method for identifying subscribers and for generating and verifying electronic signatures in a data exchange system},
  nationality = {United States},
  number      = {4995082},
  day         = {19},
  month       = {2},
  year        = {1991},
  dayfiled    = {23},
  monthfiled  = {2},
  yearfiled   = {1990},
  url         = {https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=US&NR=4995082},

The result I get in my bibliography though is:

Result in bibliography

I don't mind that the issue date is ignored, but why is the nationality ignored which is apparently very important (see e.g. IEEEtran HowTo).

The work around I came up with is using

number    = {United States Patent 4995082},

but this should not be necessary, right?

Also: is the day of the patent not necessary as well?

Best Answer

Please have a look at the biblatex documentation, ยง2.1.1 (Entry Types) Regular Types, as it reads

Required fields: author, title, number, year/date

Optional fields: holder, subtitle, titleaddon, type, version, location, note, month, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate

It means that the supported fields for @patent do not include the nationality one; instead, you should use the field type, or location if the scope of the patent is different from the one indicated by type.

Moreover, as you can see from the above, many other fields that you are using in your .bib file are not supported as well.