Hyperref Citing – Citation Call-Out with Hyperlink to Manually-Input Bibitem


I have manually created all entries in the bibliography section. Now, I would like to create authoryear-style citation call-outs and hyperlink the citation call-outs to the entries in the bilbiography.

Can someone help me to do this?

I use the following packages:


An example of how I want it to look like


Text here (Author A, 2000)


\bibitem{example} Author A (2000), Example 1



So: I want that I can click on ''(Author A, 2000)'' and then be redirected in the pdf to the Reference.

Best Answer

To achieve your objective, you should

  • load the natbib package with the option authoyear,

  • load the hyperref package, and

  • use the optional argument of the \bibitem macro to provide the pieces of information that are needed to form the authoryear-style citation callouts. Note that there must not be a space between the author's name (or authors' names) and the year in the optional argument of \bibitem:

    \bibitem[Smith(2000)]{example} Smith, J. (2000), Example 1.

With such a setup, it's possible to use both the \citep and \citet macros of the natbib package.

A final remark: Just because it's possible to use this method doesn't mean it's advisable to do so. In the medium and long term, you'll do yourself a huge favor by learning how to use BibTeX and/or biblatex to handle the chores related to creating a formatted bibliography and generating appropriately formatted citation call-outs.

enter image description here



Text here  \citep{example}  % for parenthetic-style citation call-out

More text, \citet{example}  % for text-style citation call-out


\bibitem[Smith(2000)]{example} Smith, J. (2000), Example 1.

