[Tex/LaTex] Cisco Icons for network diagrams


First of all thanks for this great site. My foray to Latex has been easier than I thought. My company are producing technical documentations of as-built network projects from Structured Cabling to Network Diagram of small office to Datacenter. We have been using MS Office suite of tools, from Word to Visio. My dilemma of producing a cohesive design from page 1 to the last page, where solve by Latex/Tex and we are using Texmaker 3.02 as tools with MiKTex 2.9 as our Latex/TEx platform and so far it has been very good. Most of our Wire and Cable test results' output were PDF and XML generated by Fluke DTX-1800. With Latex/Tex we are including PDF tests results and network diagrams now with its page numbering as if it belongs to the whole documentation design. Ive seen diagram maker tools like the one for UML and Electrical/Electronics circuits however with my short span of searching from the site I havent seen Cisco network icon type diagram. If there is one, I hope someone can point me to its location. Sorry, English is just my second language if I may not express it easily. Thanks and more power. You have one follower right here.

Best Answer

The icons are available on the cisco website. You can download the zip file containing the EPS files, unzip it into a new directory and remove the spaces in the names (which cause problems when you try to include the icons into your LaTeX document) using the shell command rename 's/ /_/g' *. You can then include the icons into your document using \includegraphics if you also load the package epstopdf.

Here's an example of using TikZ chains to build a diagram:

cisco diagram with tikz


    start chain=going right,
    diagram item/.style={
        on chain,
\node [
    diagram item,
] {\includegraphics{cloud}};

\node [
    diagram item,
    label=right:Cable Modem
] {\includegraphics{cable_modem}};

\node [
    continue chain=going below,
    diagram item,
] {\includegraphics{router}};

\node [
    diagram item,
    label=right:Workgroup Switch
] {\includegraphics{workgroup_switch}};

\node [
    start branch=1 going below right,
    diagram item,
] {\includegraphics{pc}};

\node [
    start branch=2 going below left,
    diagram item,
] {\includegraphics{supercomputer}};

\node [
    diagram item,
] {\includegraphics{end_office}};