[Tex/LaTex] CircuiTikZ inductor style


Inductor styles

Hello, friends, once more.

I guess this is an easy one for you, I would like to know how to get both styles for the inductor, like in the picture. I like both, but specially the first one. Thanks in advance.
I have not found this specific issue, I know the second one is gotten by [cute inductor] but not a clue about the first one.

Best Answer

You can specify the desired symbol via the options:

enter image description here


    \draw (0,0) to[cute inductor] (3,0) ; 
    \node [below=5pt] at (1.5,0) {cute inductor};
    \draw (4,0) to[american inductor] (7,0) ; 
    \node [below=5pt] at (5.5,0) {american inductor};