[Tex/LaTex] circle symbol instead of star symbol in rating


I have this macro for showing rating/review. In the macro, it's a star symbol which works great. I tried to change star symbol to circle but it did not work as I expected. I would like to see circle symbol instead of star symbol in rating. Thanks in advance for all the help.

Following is MWE:




\tikzstyle{scorestars}=[star, star points=5, star point ratio=2.25, draw, inner sep=0.15em,anchor=outer point 3]

  \foreach \i in {1,...,#2} {
    \draw (\i*1em,0) node[name=star\i,scorestars,fill=\starcolor]  {};
    \path [clip] ($(star\partstar.outer point 3)!(star\partstar.outer  point  2)!(star\partstar.outer point 4)$) rectangle 
    ($(star\partstar.outer point 2 |- star\partstar.outer point   1)!\starpart!(star\partstar.outer point 1 -| star\partstar.outer point 5)$);
    \fill (\partstar*1em,0) node[scorestars,fill=blue!70]  {};





Best Answer

Following code uses circle instead of star and adjust clipping corners from star to circle.




\tikzstyle{scorestars}=[circle, draw, inner sep=0.15em,anchor=west]

  \foreach \i in {1,...,#2} {
    \draw (\i*1em,0) node[name=star\i,scorestars,fill=\starcolor]  {};
    \path [clip] (star\partstar.north west) rectangle 
    ($(star\partstar.south west)!\starpart!(star\partstar.south east)$);
    \fill (\partstar*1em,0) node[scorestars,fill=blue!70]  {};





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