[Tex/LaTex] chktex disable warning about ~ for certain macros when using cleveref with varioref


Is there any way, other than adding per-line suppressions (i.e., %chktex 2) or per warning suppressions to get chktex to stop warning me when \vref and \eqref are preceded by spaces?

I am running chktex v1.7.2 WITHOUT the -g (use global chktexrc) flag and WITH the -l flag pointing to a local .chktexrc file, in which I have removed \vref and \eqref from the Linker options section. (Linker controls warning about needed non-breaking space when macros like \ref are used.) Despite removing these items under the Linker section, I still get warnings (warning #2) about them.

Does anyone know a way to solve this without entirely disabling warning number 2 or inserting line level suppressions everywhere?

Best Answer

OK, it seems there is a documentation bug with chktex and the -g flag DISABLES the default chktexrc file. Using the -g flag fixes my problem.