[Tex/LaTex] Chemfig Alignment

chemfigvertical alignment

I've just started using the chemfig package for drawing some chemistry. However there is a problem with vertical alignment. The vertical alignment of "2 Water", reaction arrow and "2 ABC" is complety random. How can I align them to the same vertical position?

Also I would like to know, how to rotate the second ring to align it into the same orientation as the first one?

\tikzstyle{arrow}=[draw, -latex]


2 Water + \chemfig{O=[:-90]*5(-[@{b1}]O-[@{b2}](@{a1})-(@{a2})-[@{b4}]O-[@{b5}])} \arrow{->[+2 $H^+$]} \chemfig{*5(-[@{b1}]O-[@{b2}](@{a1})-(@{a2})-[@{b4}]O-[@{b5}])} + 2 ABC



Best Answer

chemfig always places the first atom of the molecule on the baseline, so you have to rewrite the molecule with the atom you want to be on the baseline first. For example,


% \schemedebug{true} % Uncomment this to see how it works


\chemfig{\ch{2 "Water"}}
\arrow(.mid east--.mid west){->[\ch{2 H^+}]}
\chemfig{\ch{2 ABC}}



enter image description here

Note that

  1. TikZ is already loaded by Chemfig, so you don't need \usepackage{tikz};
  2. I've wrapped chemical notation in math or text with chemformula's \ch command.
  3. I've used anchors in the \arrow to keep the molecules aligned. They're described in Chemfig's manual, from p. 50.
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