[Tex/LaTex] Checkers board in TikZ.


What is the best way to draw checker board in tikz?
I'm interested in what is the best way to draw many circular pieces on board.
(the checker background is not important)

Best Answer

I suggest to use a matrix of nodes from the tikz matrix library.

A small example using the style devloped in the other topic:

\tikzstyle{ball} = [circle, shading=ball,
    ball color=black!80!white, minimum size=1cm]
\matrix (m) [matrix of nodes,nodes=ball] {
 {} &    & {} &    & {} &    & {} & \\
    & {} &    & {} &    & {} &    & {} \\
 {} &    & {} &    & {} &    & {} & \\};


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