[Tex/LaTex] Check what kind of document class is used


I have defined a .sty-file which I use in a report, which holds a lot of good information and styles for how my documents should look like. This have been working great, until when I tried making a letter. My own style loads the titling-package among others, and this seems to cause errors. I of course do not really need the titling-package in my letter, but it is necessary in my other documents. I was wondering if I could write some kind of check to only load the titling-package if the document class is not a letter. That way, it will work with all my other documents, and my letters.

In the included example, I have only loaded the titling-package, and not my personal style. The errors produced are the same.

\signature{Your name}
\address{Street \\ City \\ Country}
\begin{letter}{Company name \\ Street\\ City\\ Country}
\opening{Dear Sir or Madam:}
\closing{Yours Faithfully,}
\ps{P.S. Here goes your ps.}

Best Answer

The LaTeX core defines \@ifclassloaded{classname}{true branch}{false branch} which is basically the same as \@ifpackageloaded for checking whether a certain package is loaded.

The class name has to be specified without the usual .cls extension.

Since @ occurs in the macro name \@ifclassloaded, \makeatletter...\makeatother is needed in the document preamble, if the check occurs in a self-written package, \makeatletter...\makeatother must not appear there!


  \typeout{this uses letter class}%
  \typeout{this uses another class}%

\signature{Your name}
\address{Street \\ City \\ Country}
\begin{letter}{Company name \\ Street\\ City\\ Country}
\opening{Dear Sir or Madam:}
\closing{Yours Faithfully,}
\ps{P.S. Here goes your ps.}
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