[Tex/LaTex] Chapter header with super huge numbers


I'm trying to get the chapter heading to look like this
Chapter heading

I am using the following code but the number are still so small


Can you help??

Best Answer

Is this what you seek?

Your code is basically correct, with some typo though. package fix-cm is required in such case. Since you provided only partial code, I add some basic lines including \selectfont and xcolor to make it run.

enter image description here

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{book}
\fontseries{b}\fontsize{80}{100}\selectfont}{\fontseries{b}\fontsize{100}{130}\selectfont \textcolor{gray75}\thechapter\hsp}{0pt}{\\ \Huge\bfseries}[]
\chapter{Chapter name}
some text
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