[Tex/LaTex] changing vertical spacing before and after math display mode


I am writing a double space document, but I do not want excessive spacing between math display environments. For things like code listings I can use etoolbox and say \AtBeginEnvironment{minted}{\setstretch{1}} etc, is there a way to modify the stretch before / after math display?



% kind of does the right thing, but only at the bottom...
% \everydisplay{\vspace*{-1em}}


% i think this is only for align?
% \belowdisplayskip=0pt

% this also doesn't work, just for array?
% \setlength{\jot}{-1ex}

% is math / amsmath an environment?


    % desired effect without manual every time
    % \setstretch{1}
        ax + by + cz + d = 0
    % not really even working
    % \setstretch{2}\vspace*{-2em}


I want to do this globally, getting rid of the spacing denoted by the red rectangles

enter image description here

I feel like this has to be a duplicate, but I can't get anything I find to work :/ If it matters, the above code was pdftex but I'm writing with xetex. I don't think that makes a difference in this question, but it may.

Best Answer

There are two errors in your input:

You can use the nodisplayskipstretch option to setspace, which will reduce the spacing to acceptable ones.





\lipsum*[1]% no \par or blank line before a math display
\[% not $$
ax + by + cz + d = 0
\]% and no blank line after a math display, generally.


enter image description here

For comparison, here is the output without the option

enter image description here

and also what you get with blank lines and $$

enter image description here

I also add the output with \doublespacing (it's commonly believed that double spacing means \setstretch{2}, which is incorrect).

enter image description here

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