[Tex/LaTex] Changing ToC subsection entry font in scrartcl

fontsfontspeckoma-scriptoldstylenumstable of contents

I have changed the default serif font of my document to use old-style numerals (I think they look quite nice). However, in the serif entries of the subsections (section entries are in a sans-serif font) in the table of contents, the old-style numerals are quite strange as section and page numbers. I would like to change them to the "normal" numerals. I can set the section entry font with \setkomafont{sectionentry} and \setkomafont{sectionentrypagenumber}, but there is no such facility for other entries, and setting the font in the block around \tableofcontents doesn't help either.

How could I achive the effect I desire?


Here is a MWE.


\setmainfont[Numbers=OldStyle,Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Libertine}
\setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Biolinum}
\newfontfamily\NoOldStyleNumsSerif[Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Libertine}


{\NoOldStyleNumsSerif \tableofcontents}



Some text 0123456789


Notice that the page number is still rendered with old-style numerals:

Example rendering

Best Answer

Disclaimer: I don't use fontspec, so there may be more elegant ways to do this.








Some text 0123456789


enter image description here