[Tex/LaTex] Changing the colours used in hyperlinked cross-references


This is a simplified example of the Latex code for my document. I want to change the colours of the different links (made through \ref and \hyperlink).

Specifically, I want to have

-equations: black (not blue)

-sections: black (not blue)

-authors: blue but lighter than the one I have now

-footnote: red (not black). (Also, the link for the footnotes does not seem to work. I think it is because of the multiple option of footmisc. Any idea on how to fix this?)

\documentclass[10 pt,a4paper,oneside,openany, notitlepage]{article}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, graphics}
\marginparwidth 0pt
\oddsidemargin 0pt
\evensidemargin 0pt
\marginparsep 0pt
\topmargin 0pt
\textwidth 6.5in
\textheight 8.5 in 
\usepackage[colorlinks = true,
            linkcolor = blue,
            urlcolor  = blue,
            citecolor = blue,
            anchorcolor = blue]{hyperref}               

\section{Section 1}
This main result\footnote{There are other minor results.} of \hyperlink{Tom}{Tom (2017)} is summarised by equation (\ref{main}). Similar arguments are discussed in Section \ref{sec2}.

\section{Section 2}


\item \hypertarget{Tom}{ } Tom, 2017, Journal. 


Best Answer

I suggest you make use of this answer by Marco Daniel to define a hyperref parameter called "footnotecolor". I further suggest you use the \cite machinery of the natbib package to create citation call-outs. (Better yet, learn how to use BibTeX -- and let BibTeX and LaTeX create both the formatted bibliography and all citation call-outs.)

enter image description here


%% The following code is from a posting by Marco Daniel;
%% see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/117959/5001.
\def\@footnotecolor{red} % default color to use: 'red'

\hypersetup{colorlinks = true,
            allcolors  = black, % default color
            citecolor  = blue,
            footnotecolor = red}        

\section{First} \label{sec1}

This main result\footnote{There are other, minor results.} of \citet{Tom} is summarised by equation \eqref{main}. Similar arguments are discussed in Section~\ref{sec2}.

\begin{equation} \label{main} 

\section{Second} \label{sec2}


\bibitem[Tom(2017)]{Tom} Tom, 2017, Journal. 


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