[Tex/LaTex] Changing the color of environments in beamer


I have just started lerning Latex. So, it is possible that the following doubt is very easy.

I have to do a presentation with Beamer. I know that there exist specific comands to theorems, definitions, examples… I wonder if it is possible to modify those environments and change its default color. That is can I use the Theorem environment in such a way that the color of the block is green instead of blue?
In the following example I wanto to change the color of the block to red.

\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}

enter image description here

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}

  \setbeamercolor{block title}{use=example text,fg=white,bg=example text.fg!75!black}
  \setbeamercolor{block body}{parent=normal text,use=block title example,bg=block title example.bg!10!bg}


enter image description here

For a yellow colored "Teorema" block, please see the following MWE:

\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}

  \setbeamercolor{block title}{use=example text,fg=black,bg=yellow!75!black}
  \setbeamercolor{block body}{parent=normal text,use=block title example,bg=yellow!10}


enter image description here

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