Change Arrow Color in Smartdiagram – How to


The smartdiagram package appears to have a default convention that an arrow in a circular diagram takes the colour of the destination block. Is there a way to choose instead the colour of the source block as the colour of the arrow.
For instance, in this example

\smartdiagramset{set color list={red!50,orange!50,green!50}}
\smartdiagram[circular diagram:clockwise]{Red,Orange,Green}

I want the arrow from "Red" to "Orange" to be red instead of orange. In other words, I want to advance all arrow colours one step clockwise.

Is there a single key or other simple option to do this? If there isn't might I suggest it through this forum please?

Best Answer


  flip arrow colors/.style={
    /tikz/diagram arrow type/.prefix code={%
\smartdiagramset{set color list={red!50,orange!50,green!50}}
\smartdiagram[circular diagram:clockwise]{Red,Orange,Green}

\smartdiagramset{flip arrow colors}
\smartdiagram[circular diagram:clockwise]{Red,Orange,Green}


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