[Tex/LaTex] Change theorem counter in Springer template


I used Springer template for my book, more concrete I used svmono.

Here is a MWE, that is the shortened version of my template file.

  \renewcommand\definitionname{Định nghĩa}
  \renewcommand\remarkname{Chú ý}
  \renewcommand\lemmaname{Bổ đề}
  \chapter{The direction of a segment}
  \section{Some basics definition}
  That is definition
  This is theorem. 
  This is remark
  this is lemma

I want to numbering the chapter like Chapter I, not chapter 1 as in this template did. I also want to numbering the theorem, definition, remark, lemma section-wise, i.e Theorem 2.1(the first theorem in section 2), the next enviroment(definition, lemma, ..) will be Defintion 2.2,..i.e use the same counter in a section for every enviroment(except the proof enviroment) ?

But how can I change the template to get that ? Please help me.

Best Answer

Here's one possibility. Using the predefined structures from svmono.cls, there's no easy way to make the changes to the counters. You have two possibilities:

  1. Define new structures with the desired numbering schema, as I illustrate below for definitions, lemmata and theorems:

    % chapter numbering in Roman numerals
    % section numbering arabic, without chapter counter
      \renewcommand\definitionname{Định nghĩa}
      \renewcommand\remarkname{Chú ý}
      \renewcommand\lemmaname{Bổ đề}
    % Add a period after the section number
    % counters within section counter
      \chapter{The direction of a segment}
      \section{Some basics definition}
      That is definition
      This is theorem. 
      This is remark
      this is lemma

enter image description here

  1. If, for some reason, new structures are not possible (perhaps you already have written a large amount of your text), then you can first annihilate the original definitions (by \letting the corresponding macros to \relax) and then make new definitions with the desired numbering schema:

    % chapter numbering in Roman numerals
    % section numbering arabic, without chapter counter
      \renewcommand\definitionname{Định nghĩa}
      \renewcommand\remarkname{Chú ý}
      \renewcommand\lemmaname{Bổ đề}
    % Add a period after the section number
    % counters within section counter
      \chapter{The direction of a segment}
      \section{Some basics definition}
      That is definition
      This is theorem. 
      This is remark
      this is lemma