[Tex/LaTex] Change the color of three first letters in awesome CV (posquito) from red to blue


I am currently using Posquito's CV template however I can not change the color from red to blue. In awesome-cv.cls, line 148, I changed the setting \colorlet{awesome}{awesome-red} to skyblue but without success. Any tip would be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

The main colour theme used throughout awesome-cv's documents is the colour awesome. It can be \colorlet to awesome-red for a red theme, or something else for a different theme. For example, just add


before \begin{document} in your main resume.tex file to use the skyblue theme:

enter image description here

Here's what it looks like with \colorlet{awesome}{purple} (the colour purple is not defined by awesome-cv, but is loaded as one of the default colours with xcolor):

enter image description here

Here's what it looks like with 60% orange (\colorlet{awesome}{orange!60}):

enter image description here