[Tex/LaTex] Change the bullet of each \item


Sorry, may be the title is not clear. In fact, I need to make a list of advantages and disadvantages and I want to note the advantages as + and disadvantages as -. How can I change the full circle of item to + or – sign?

   \usepackage[applemac]{inputenc}%les accents pour mac
      \section{section1 }
     \frame[shrink]{\frametitle{Titre de la fenetre}

         \item point1
        \item point2
       \item point3
        \item point4
        \item point5


Best Answer

Just an addition to @Sigur's answer. You can define macros, say \pro and \con,


to save some repetitive typing, and make the source code more readable.




        \pro advantage
        \con disadvantage
        \item neutral



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