[Tex/LaTex] Change text color


I'm new in latex, and maybe this is a simple question for you, but not for me.

I'm using the class that you can find here https://www.latextemplates.com/template/masters-doctoral-thesis.

By default the color of the text of the Contents and List of figure is red, I'd like to turn it into black, but I don't know how to proceed. I tryed to read the template, I understand that I have to put \hypersetup{allcolor=.} but it's not specified where. So I tryed to put it either in the main after the package declaration, but it returns me error, or in the file .cls. In both case it doesn't work.

Can someone help me, please? Thanks

Best Answer

If you are sure the actual offending color is identified as "red" and if you don't care about eliminating the color "red" from the complete document, you could always just do \colorlet{red}{black} in the preamble.

By saving "red" before you do that, you also have the option of later restoring red, in case you, in fact, need it later.

\colorlet{red}{black}% ELIMINATE red COLOR
Text and \textcolor{red}{Red Text}

\colorlet{red}{savered}% RESTORE red COLOR
Text and \textcolor{red}{Red Text}

enter image description here