[Tex/LaTex] Change page heading of a \chapter*


I got a document that I want to have the following structure:

Table of content
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

My code looks like this:


%Thesis Body






In the introduction file the code is


With this the introduction

  • is not numbered as a chapter (as intended)

  • included in the table of contents (toc; as intended)

  • but the page headings of the introduction take the heading of the preceding toc and not the heading of the introduction chapter (this is not as intended).

How can I change the page heading for the introduction?

Best Answer

A section heading with a star, for example \chapter*{Introduction},

  1. does not get an automatic number and the e.g. chapter number is not increased. The last could be done manually by \addtocounter{chapter}{+1}, and then the fist by using \addtocounter{chapter}{+1}\chapter*{\thechapter{}Introduction} - but this might not make sense...

  2. is not included in the Table of Contents, but it can be added manually by e.g. \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Introduction}, as you already did

  3. does not change the heading of the page, which can be changed manually by \markboth{left page header}{right page header} (in the book class) or \markright{right page header} (in the standard document classes, article, report, and book) (and \leftmark accordingly).

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