[Tex/LaTex] Change numbering of captions in figures


Does anyone know how I can change the way that the figures get numbering in the caption? That is because I just see something like Figure 4-1.: and I just want Figure 4.1:. I used \package{caption} and I thought I would solve the problem, but it is not as I did.


and it results in…

enter image description here

My document's preamble is as follows:




\textheight22.5cm \topmargin0cm \textwidth16.5cm
\oddsidemargin0.5cm \evensidemargin-0.5cm%
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\thechapter\; #1}{}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\; #1}}

\unitlength1mm %Define la unidad LE para Figuras
\mathindent0cm %Define la distancia de las formulas al texto,  fleqn las descentra
\parindent0cm %Define la distancia de la primera linea de un parrafo a la margen

%Para tablas,  redefine el backschlash en tablas donde se define la posici\'{o}n del texto en las
%casillas (con \centering \raggedright o \raggedleft)

%Espacio entre lineas

%Neuer Befehl f\"{u}r die Tabelle Eigenschaften der Aktivkohlen

Best Answer

You need to get rid of the following three lines of code in the document's preamble:


I leave it to your imagination to guess what the - character between \thechapter and \arabic{...} does.

A separate comment: Some of the packages that are being loaded in the preamble are either badly deprecated or have been superseded by other, more capable packages. (Did you copy your preamble from somebody?) For instance, don't load the subfigure package; in its place, load either the subfig or the subcaption package. There should be no need to load the epsfig package, especially as the graphicx package is being loaded anyway. Do you really need to load both the lscape and the rotating packages?