[Tex/LaTex] Change name of “Figure” and “References” in ACM SIG alternate


I want to change the words Figure and References into another language, using ACM SIG alternate template. Any ideas how I can achieve this?





This is a test.

\caption{Test Figure}

And here is a reference: \cite{testCite}.



Best Answer

The class hardwires the names; it's easy to change this though.



% don't use hardwired names
\def\fnum@figure{\figurename\ \thefigure}
\def\fnum@table{\tablename\ \thetable}
% fix a silly usage of \uppercase in \@sect



This is a test.

\caption{Test Figure}

And here is a reference: \cite{testCite}.


\bibitem{testCite} Something



The change has no consequence in case babel is not used. I added a mock thebibliography environment just to show the effect.

Note that you should use \columnwidth and not \textwidth for the figure.

enter image description here