[Tex/LaTex] Change itemize symbol in beamer


I am using beamer and gottingen style. I have nested itemize environments. For the last one, so the third level, I want to have not these bullet signs, but just circles. Currently I have:





\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate body begin}{\Large}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate subbody begin}{\large}

\setbeamerfont{page number in head/foot}{size=\large}
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]

  auto outer arc,
  listing options={language=C},
  listing only,

    \advance\textwidth2cm % see beamerthemeGoettingen.sty for the number


\item Test
\item Test

\item Test
\item Test
\item Test
\item Test


I now tried this solution here. With \checkmark it does work:

\item Test
\item Test
\item[\checkmark] Test
\item Test


However, as I dont want \checkmarks, but a dot, I tried according to this post to use circle:

\item Test
\item Test
\item[\circle] Test
\item Test

But this leads to an error. I also tried to use renewcommand according to this post:


But no matter where I put it, I get an error that the control sequence is undefined.

When I try \item[$\circ$] I get a circle, but it is not colored:


I want to have this one here from this post:


How can I change the sign to a fully colored circle/dot for the last nested itemize environment?

Best Answer

If you want to locally change a single symbol of an itemize in beamer to a colored circle, you could use \item[\textbullet] ....

For a global change of all itemize symbols fo a certain level, you can use

\setbeamertemplate{itemize <level>}[<predefined symbol>]{<custom symbol>}

With <level>:

item --> first level

subitem --> second level

subsubitem--> third level

and with one of the following predefined options: triangle, circle square or ball or with a different symbol of your choice.

To summarize: To globally change all itemize symbols of all third level itemize environments, add \setbeamertemplate{itemize subsubitem}[circle] to your preamble.