[Tex/LaTex] Change fontsize of an array within an align environment


I am trying to label several lines at once in a very long equation. From this question I have come up with the following minimal example:

    x &= \sum_i c_i X_i \\
    &\left. \def\arraystretch{1.5}
    + \sum_i c_i Y_i \\
    +\sum_i c_i Z_i 
    \right\} \tag{From (1)} \\

which generates

Minimal example

As you can see I have attempted to correct the fact that array by default will have smaller row spacing than the align*. However, I cannot make the font sizes match up and the line spacing is really not that good either. I have tried using begingroup, endgroup but that doesn't seem to work. I would really appreciate any help on this!

Best Answer

If I have understood your problem correctly, you can make use of mathtools' drcases environment (d stands for displaystyle, while r means the brace will be on the right):

    x &= \sum_i c_i X_i \\
      &\hphantom{={}}\!\begin{drcases} % <--- \! is to get correct spacing/alignment
          + \sum_i c_i Y_i \\
          + \sum_i c_i Z_i 
    \tag{From (1)} \\


If you want more space between the math and the brace, you can add \quad (or any other space) to the end of the longest line:

    x &= \sum_i c_i X_i \\
      &\hphantom{={}}\!\begin{drcases} % <--- \! is to get correct spacing/alignment
          + \sum_i c_i Y_i \quad\\
          + \sum_i c_i Z_i 
    \tag{From (1)} \\

Output with more space

Another possibility (less "automatic") is to give the extra linespacing in square brackets after the \\ as in \\[.5em], which will give an extra 0.5 em of linespacing after the line you are ending.