[Tex/LaTex] Change \endhead in the middle of a longtable


I am creating many longtables in my document, where one table represents the results of a specific topic. Normally the header of the longtable consists of the name of the topic, N and some cmidrules. If the table has to break at some point, the new header changes the name of the topic to topic (cont.).

Now sometimes a topic has two subquestions. If the table breaks after the second question I would like to change the endhead to include the second question. Here is a short MWE:


Question 1 & N \\
Question 1 (cont.) 1 & N \\
Item 1 & 4 \\
Item 2 & 10 \\
Item 3 & 2 \\
Item 4 & 8 \\
Item 5 & 20 \\
Item 6 & 3 \\
Item 7 & 6 \\
Item 8 & 1 \\
Item 9 & 11 \\
Item 10 & 6 \\
& \\

Question 2   & N \\
Item 1 & 4 \\
Item 2 & 10 \\
Item 3 & 2 \\
Item 4 & 8 \\ \newpage
Item 5 & 20 \\
Item 6 & 3 \\
Item 7 & 6 \\
Item 8 & 1 \\
Item 9 & 11 \\
Item 10 & 6 \\

Now if the table breaks it would write Question 1 (cont.), but I would like it to be Question 2 (cont.). Is there a way to achieve that goal with longtable or is it possible to build a newcommand like

Question 2 (cont.)  & N \\

which I can insert at a certain point in the table?

Best Answer

You can use two longtables, but arrange that they share the same column widths:



Question 1 & N \\
Question 1 (cont.) 1 & N \\
Item 1 & 4 \\
Item 2 & 10 \\
Item 3 & 2 \\
Item 4 & 8 \\
Item 5 & 20 \\
Item 6 & 3 \\
Item 7 & 6 \\
Item 8 & 1 \\
Item 9 & 11 \\
Item 10 & 6

Question 2 & N \\
Question 2 (cont.) 1 & N \\
Item 1 & 4 \\
Item 2 & 10 \\
Item 3 & 2 \\
Item 4 & 8 \\ \newpage
Item 5 & 20 \\
Item 6 & 3 \\
Item 7 & 6 \\
Item 8 & 1 \\
Item 9 & 11 \\
Item 10000widdddeeer col& 6 \\

If you need more than two, you need the weird code before each except the last, making in each case \LT@<thistable> be defined to be \LT@<the last> table>