[Tex/LaTex] Change colour of frame title in beamer article


I'm using the beamerarticle package and I would like to change the colour of the text that I give as the frame title. In the MEW below,







I would like the ABC to be printed in red. However, even after inserting the setbeamercolor command, it's still coming in black. I would appreciate help in resolving this.

EDIT: Yes, one option is that I manually use the color package in each title, but I would like to automate this so that with one command in one place, the color of each frame title can be changed, and I need not insert the color package command in each frametitle command I use.

Best Answer

Another approach could be to modify the beamer template for the frametitle:



\setbeamertemplate{frametitle}{\paragraph*{\color{red}\insertframetitle}\ \par\noindent\emph{\insertframesubtitle}\par}

