BibLaTeX Citations – Changing Citation Delimiter Between Works of the Same Author


I can change the delimiter between multiple citations in biblatex with \multicitedelim, but this only applies to citations with different authors. When I have multiple citations with the same author, however, it seems to print a comma every time. As in the example below, this can be very confusing if you use another symbol, e.g. a semicolon ; as your citation delimiter, and a comma as your page delimiter.

How can I set the delimiter between citations of the same author to be the same as the delimiter between different authors?

\usepackage[style=authoryear, citestyle=authoryear-comp]{biblatex}
    AUTHOR = "John Lennon",
    TITLE = "My really long book on my life",
    YEAR = "1971",
    LOCATION = "Liverpool",
    PUBLISHER = "Penny Lane Press"}
    AUTHOR = "John Lennon",
    TITLE = "Music -- why I make it",
    YEAR = "1973",
    LOCATION = "London",
    PUBLISHER = "Johnny Smith"}
    AUTHOR = "Paul McCartney",
    TITLE = "Penny Lane is still in my ears",
    YEAR = "1979",
    LOCATION = "New York",
    PUBLISHER = "Peter Alden"}
\cites[282, 1967]{lennon1971}{lennon1973}{mccartney1979}

enter image description here

Best Answer

biblatex provides a host of delimiters, amongst them are (definitions from biblatex.def)


What you want is probably \renewcommand{\compcitedelim}{\multicitedelim}.


    AUTHOR = "John Lennon",
    TITLE = "My really long book on my life",
    YEAR = "1971",
    LOCATION = "Liverpool",
    PUBLISHER = "Penny Lane Press"}
    AUTHOR = "John Lennon",
    TITLE = "Music -- why I make it",
    YEAR = "1973",
    LOCATION = "London",
    PUBLISHER = "Johnny Smith"}
    AUTHOR = "Paul McCartney",
    TITLE = "Penny Lane is still in my ears",
    YEAR = "1979",
    LOCATION = "New York",
    PUBLISHER = "Peter Alden"}
\cites[282, 1967]{lennon1971}{lennon1973}{mccartney1979}


enter image description here

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